

The first human born on Mars, Juno uses her space-age technology to solve any problem that enters her orbit. She is determined to one day save her home planet.




Burst fire weapon that heals allies and damages enemies.

Pulsar Torpedoes

Pulsar Torpedoes

Press to lock on, then SECONDARY FIRE to fire homing projectiles. Heals allies over time and damages enemies.

Orbital Ray

Orbital Ray

Call down a ray that travels forward, healing allies and increasing their damage.

Hyper Ring

Hyper Ring

Deploy a ring that increases movement speed of allies that pass through it.

Glide Boost

Glide Boost

Glide horizontally with increased movement speed.

Martian Overboots

Martian Overboots

While airborne, press SPACE to double jump and hold SPACE to hover.


Project red promise

Project red promise

After the successful establishment of the Horizon Lunar Colony, Lucheng Interstellar set its sights on a new frontier: Mars. Though their initial proposal for the project was denied by the UN, Lucheng kept its plans in motion, forming a group of scientists and engineers in secret. It was the mission of this small collective to launch a multi-stage terraforming initiative on Mars. Codenamed “Project Red Promise”, these brave individuals would pave the way to a new world – a new home for humanity. The first phases of the project went smoothly, and the Red Promise Team successfully established the first Martian base within a matter of months.

Juno’s childhood

Juno’s childhood

What none of the team expected was the birth of baby Juno. The daughter of Dr. Jiayi Teo and Dr. Khiem Van Minh, Juno was the first human born on Mars – the first Martian. She embodied the hopes of the project, and each member of the Red Promise Team loved her as if she was their own. Though the scientists were busy with their duties on the base, they made every effort to keep Juno entertained and happy through her childhood. Even so, it seemed their curiosity had rubbed off on her, and she constantly begged to join them on expeditions outside of the base. When she was finally old enough, her mother gifted her a modified Lucheng space suit so she could safely brave the Martian atmosphere. Juno was free to roam the outdoors, and she sought more than just enjoyment: she wanted to help. Over time, she grew from a starry-eyed child into the most proficient navigator in the colony – a true member of the Red Promise Team.

Rising storms

Rising storms

As the Red Promise Team continued to terraform the planet, they faced unforeseen repercussions. Their alterations to the planet’s surface had kicked soil and debris into the atmosphere, resulting in dust storms that grew more violent year after year. Eventually, these storms grew to such a magnitude that they began to question whether life on the colony could be sustained. To make matters worse, their attempts to contact Lucheng Interstellar received no response, and the second wave of Project Red Promise never arrived. Not knowing when – or if – assistance might come from Earth, the scientists had to confront the truth: the colony’s days were numbered, as were their own.

Journey to earth

Journey to earth

The years spent living on the planet had left the Red Promise Team with only enough resources to guarantee a single person’s safe journey to Earth. There was no question of who would make that trip: Juno. She pleaded with her parents not to make her leave, but they remained steadfast in their desire. After all, she embodied their hope for the future of humanity. They would not let her share their same fate. But Juno was not one to give up on the only home and family she’d ever known. Rather than seeing her departure as an evacuation, she made it her mission to find help on Earth. With solemn goodbyes, Juno tearfully left the danger of her home planet, knowing there was a chance she would never see her family again. She promised herself she’d find someone who could help her save everyone – before it was too late. While growing up, Juno had heard many stories of her mother’s life on Earth, including those of an old friend: a climatologist named Dr. Mei Ling Zhou. With no other leads on Earth, finding Dr. Zhou is Juno’s first order of business as she searches for a way to send help back home.